Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Fallout New Vegas

I've rented New Vegas this weekend gone and have been playing it a lot since. It is so similar to Fallout 3 which incidentally I have not finished all the side quests yet.

I don't know what it is with this game, because the shooting is not great, especially if you're not using VATS, graphics are poor-ish, dialog animations are so last century and I just can't stop playing it. Must be the story, it's just so good and there so much to explore it's incredible.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Portal 2 on Valentine's Day

It is really encouraging to see Valve has invested into making this Portal 2 trailer for Valentine's Day. It could mean that they are dedicated and hard working, or just desperate to get some publicity, or maybe both.
I really enjoyed Portal. It is a clever little puzzle game built around a very simple idea. Get from A to B using a portal that you can place in almost any surface. Portal 2 will have co-op mode hence the which is what the trailer is aiming to bring forward:

Friday, 11 February 2011

Mass Effect second play through

Finished my second Mass Effect play through :D. Managed to get few more achievements in the process which is always a nice bonus. I'm not sure if I should start playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood next, continue playing and finish Dead Space (I'm half way through) or jump onto Mass Effect 2 for the second play through and bunch of DLCs that I'm yet to start playing... Might do all at the same time :D

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Mass Effect assignments

I've played Mass Effect for over 40 hours and I just found out that some assignments you need to discover yourself. I thought the game will present them as you progress through the story.

Got to the last mission and I had no assignments left undone, so I was not sure I'm going to get some of the Ally achievements for finishing most missions with a specific squad member. So I decided to explore some of the planets that I thought I've not explored yet and bingo! found bunch of assignments in Nepmos.

Back to blogging

A long time since my last blog post so consequently a lot happened since. I'm starting to get that urge to blab to myself on the open again so decided to come back to dreri MIX and start blabbing again.

I was trying to find a solution to a problem on SharePoint 2007 today and could not remember it because it has been a long time since I last had to deal with it. I wished I had put something down somewhere so I could now remind myself what I did. Hopefully will have the time and dedication to publish more and more of different things I have to do work-wise just for me as a record and on odd occasional help someone as well (as a bonus :)).

I've been using twitter a bit more recently, mainly for gaming. I will try and link this blog with it so the two can work together -

I will also try and link or copy game related posts from here to Gaming For Fun, former Jolly Roger. The site has changed a lot since I last posted here. Not as busy as it was in the first 6 months or so but still going.

I hope this time I'll stick to blogging and it won't be yet another thing that I intend to do and get sidetracked. I can't count the number of times I decided to do something and before I knew it, I'm off to something different.