Tuesday 29 July 2008

Oblivion proved that I'm not into RPGs anymore

Rented Oblivion recently. Many people have said to me that this game is great. I read many reviews praising this game as one of the best on Xbox. Mass Effect was also another part RPG part shooter game which I couldn't get into so I was delaying trying Oblivion because I just did not I'd like it. Some years ago (too many to count) I would have absolutely loved playing Oblivion but now I don't think it made any impression on me. It seamed dull, boring, complicated with poor animation and fight controls. So I played 4 quests and sent it back. I'm sure if you like RPGs Oblivion would be a great game for you but on my scale it only gets 4/10.

Friday 25 July 2008

Raibow Six Vegas 1+2=1.5

I've signed up with a DVD and game renting service so I can catch up with some titles I missed before. So the one at the moment is Rainbow Six Vegas (the first one). I had a chance to play and enjoy RSV 2 a month or so ago and thought I check the original one. Very similar gameplay. Graphics for one are better on RSW 2 and maybe sound is a bit better. Otherwise looks like playing same game on new maps.

Thursday 24 July 2008

Lego Indiana Jones great family game

I got Lego Indiana Jones recently and been playing it with my daughter few times now. Great family game. It is easy for my daughter to play because the way the game perspective works (2D and 3D morph) you only need to use one of the pad sticks to move your character. Lots of puzzles and a bit of humor here and there. Very well linked to movies so really must see the movies before you play the quests. Any which way - well recommended!

Thursday 17 July 2008

Just finished COD 2

It took me 2 weeks but I managed to finish it in the end. Very good game overall. The last two levels I done on hardcore because I was lacking patience and wanted to move on to other games. There is a huge difference between hardcore and veteran difficulty IMO. I think veteran is simply too hard, it's like it was made for masochistic gamers (not like me really ;-)).
PS Put on COD 4 soon after I finished COD 2 to compare whiles the experience was still fresh and... I find COD 4 about 30% better than COD 2.

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Gears of War 2

I've recently pre-ordered GoW 2 and I'm looking very much forward to November, 114 days to go from today. Especially looking ford to play one of the new characters Dizzy Wallin or Tai Kaliso and I quite like to know what role will Chairman Prescott have. Locust Horde, here comes dreri! Muahhahahaha...

Monday 14 July 2008

Call Of Duty 2

I finally got to play COD2 and I'm impressed. Very hard on veteran specially on American missions but am enjoying it thoroughly. The sound is 8/10 and graphics 7/10. There is a really good variation in maps and weapons so no way you get bored of it very easy. Enemy AI is very very good but can't say the same for the allies. In more than few occasions they moved in the line of fire and got killed by my bullets. Couple of times got in from just as I was throwing the grenade! I also don't like it when they stop in the certain spots and it is expected for me to go and clear the upper floor but no order is issued. You just have to kind of know what you need to do.
In the end I think I would give it a solid 8/10 and recommend it to every FPS fan - "a must play" game.