Monday, 25 March 2013

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Reality Unknown

thougt i would start posting with my most played game at the moment, which is black ops 2.

had the game since the day of release and in that time i have just over 6 days of online play time, in said time if have managed to do the following:

completed the boot camp challenges.
completed the campaign on normal difficulty - twice.
maxed out the levels on the assault rifles and the launchers
i have diamond camo on the assault rifles
i have 1 tripple kill with the RPG to get diamond camo on the lauchers.
i have the gold camo on the HAMR light machine gun left to get before i have diamond on the LMGs
i am currently (right now) level 51 on 7th prestige
i have done all the reticules for red dot, ACOG, Hybrid and Eotec sights.

they are, i guess the main things i've done.

in a way this will be a list of the stuff i've done on black ops and i expect i'll make a couple more for the other games i play.

update - 5th of april

now have diamond camo on my light machine guns and i have also maxed out their level on each
i am currently level 50 on 8th prestige

started the first mission of the campaign for the 3rd time only now i'll be going through it on veteran for the achievements, assuming i ever feel like playing single player.


  1. If it wasn't for lag problems I'd be playing this game a lot more often. As it is I need to cool down after so many games before I can get back on it again :)

  2. Still not played it at all despite getting on release day.

    Can't really say why, tbh I never finished the campaign on BLOPS1. Maybe this franchise is just getting too long in the tooth and too frequent.

  3. its very samey i agree.

    i do like the way they done the custome classes now, for the first time i can actualy play a cod game well.

    currently my k/d is on 1.19, was 1.26 until i wanted diamond camo on my assault rifles and got to the SMR but i'd rather have camo and achieve something than have a good rd or level or score.

    there is an update on the blog added aswell
